
Models of Verbal Presentation of Communicative Situation in Literary Dialogue (a Case Study of M. Osorgin, B. Pasternak, M. Bulgakov Prose)

(Southern Federal University)

Model, dialogue, dialogue unity, character’s discourse, communicative situation, situation background, spontaneity Dialogue in a literary work is a segment of a text representing cross personal communication, which in its turn is projected by readers on similar communication in a natural colloquial language. Character’s and author’s discourses form the text of a dialogue, with character’s utterances being single semantic and thematic unity on a vertical level of a dialogue development, The author’s discourse gives readers the information to fully understand communicative situation; and it is reached by the description of a certain context. Dialogue in a natural colloquial language is communication developing in a changing situation of a dynamic background.
Working on a model of “natural” dialogue in a literary text, a writer can include some elements of a situation into character’s discourse, which are not reflected in the author’s discourse. Dialogue turns into polithematic one, developing two topics - the main and situational. Dialogic text consists of dialogic unities, which open parallel or roll out the main semantic content of a dialogue and situation background of communication. Components with situational content can be introduced only on the horizontal level of character’s utterance development. Dialogues representing the discourse of the character and changing in the communication process reflect “human being life” and create the illusion of a natural spontaneous conversation.
Model, dialogue, dialogue unity, character’s discourse, communicative situation, situation background, spontaneity

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