
The Dependence of the Variability of Morphological Features of Plants on the Color of Perianth in Coenopopulations Tulipa gesneriana

DOI 10.18522/2072-0181-2015-84-4-119-123
The article provides observational data on the Gesner Tulip cenopopulation on one of the protected islands of
Lake Manych-Gudilo, which shows the diversity in colouring of the perianth petals.In polymorphic cenopopulation the
Corolla colouring of the Gesner Tulip ranged from red to white, with pink, orange, yellow shadings.
This paper studied polymorphic plant population in respect of fl oral envelope colouring, growing as a part of
sagebrush-herb (Mixeherbosa – Artemisia lercheana) on one of the Islands of lake Manych-Gudilo. Researches were
conducted in 2012 and 2015 using population and geobotanical methods
Assumptions about the cause of the detected polymorphism were made. On the territory of limited area of the
island, the probability of inbreeding increases as well as of the output of recessive alleles of genes in homozygous state
with the subsequent manifestation of their phenotypes, in particular, in the form of a diff erent fl ower color of the Corolla.
As the proof of the occurring inbred depression the results of the analysis of variability of morphological features with
the forms diff ering in corolla coloring are used.
The estimated inbred depression also aff ected the nature of the character interrelations with the Tulipa gesneriana
plants. In forms of fl ower color diff erent from red, the relationships between the features are weaker. Especially strong
violation of these relationships is recorded with the forms with white colouredperianth.
In 2015 worsening of the climatic conditions resulted in the decrease of the linkages between the organs of the
plants. In plants regardless of the type of the perianthcolor the number of the character pairs with a negative correlation
has increased, the number of the character pairs showing a strong positive correlation has declined signifi cantly.
Tulipa gesneriana, cenopopulation, the polymorphism in colouring of the perianth petals, variability of morphological features

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